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About Herpes, symptoms & support

About Herpes, symptoms & support

Reprinted from Nature' Field
by Judith G. Cobb

Read also "Herpes Combination" below.

Herpes is a family of viruses, each one responsible for a different set of symptoms.

Herpes simplex type I 
It is commonly known as cold sores. These painful blister-like lesions usually occur on the face (around the lips), on the eye (causing a form of conjunctivitis), or in the vagina.

Herpes zoster
It is the virus that causes shingles in adults and chickenpox in children. The type of herpes I am focusing on in this article is Herpes simplex type II which is the sexually transmitted version of the disease. The lesions are usually localized in the genital area. The first outbreak is usually the most uncomfortable, and can be accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes, and muscular aches.

Lesions usually take about two weeks to heal. It is imperative that sexual contact be avoided during this time. This disease can have severe complications for adults. It also increases a woman's risk of cervical cancer.

Babies born vaginally when mom has an outbreak run the risk of blindness, brain damage, and death. A Cesarean section may be necessary in this case. Persons with the virus will rarely have outbreaks after they reach 50 years of age. Once one of these viruses has entered the body it will never leave, but it can be controlled somewhat. In all cases of herpes the virus travels along a nerve. At the end of the nerve the virus erupts causing a blister or lesion on the skin. When the blisters are oozing is when they are the most contagious.

What Causes Herpes Infections and Outbreaks?
Herpes simplex type 1, which is transmitted through oral secretions or sores on the skin, can be spread through kissing or sharing objects such as toothbrushes or eating utensils. In general, a person can only get herpes type 2 infection during sexual contact with someone who has a genital HSV-2 infection. It is important to know that both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be spread even if sores are not present.

Pregnant women with genital herpes should talk to their doctor as genital herpes can be passed on to the baby during childbirth.

For many people with the herpes virus, attacks (or outbreaks) of herpes can be brought on by the following conditions:

General illness (from mild illnesses to serious conditions)
Physical or emotional stress
Immunosuppression due to AIDS or such medications as chemotherapy or steroids
Trauma to the affected area, including sexual activity


What Are the Symptoms of Herpes Simplex?
Symptoms of herpes simplex virus typically appear as a blister or as multiple blisters on or around affected areas -- usually the mouth, genitals, or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender sores.

How Is Herpes Simplex Diagnosed?
Often, the appearance of herpes simplex virus is typical and no testing is needed to confirm the diagnosis. If a health care provider is uncertain, herpes simplex can be diagnosed with laboratory tests, including DNA - or PCR - tests and virus cultures. 

How Painful Is Herpes Simplex?
Some people experience very mild genital herpes symptoms or no symptoms at all. Frequently, people infected with the virus don't even know they have it. However, when it causes symptoms, it can be described as extremely painful. This is especially true for the first outbreak, which is often the worst. Outbreaks are described as aches or pains in or around the genital area or burning, pain, or difficulty urinating. Some people experience discharge from the vagina or penis.

Oral herpes lesions (cold sores) usually cause tingling and burning just prior to the breakout of the blisters. The blisters themselves can also be painful.

Can Herpes Be Cured?
There is no cure for herpes simplex. Once a person has the virus, it remains in the body. The virus lies inactive in the nerve cells until something triggers it to become active again.


I just read your article on herpes and I wanted to share with you my experience with taking VS-C.
I have herpes and I used to get outbreaks all over my lips. It was bad and very embarrassing. When I broke out it surrounded both my top and bottom lips and the itching was terrible. I read on a message bored one day that VS-C was a cure. The person who wrote the comment stated that after taking the pills for 6 months they were cured.
I read what information I could find on VS-C and decided to try it for 6 months. I have yet to have another out break since I've stopped taking it. It has only been a little over 3 months but 3 months clear is a great thing for me! I don't know if that person was actually right about it being a cure but I can say for sure that it has helped me.
I just wanted to share that. I really enjoy your newsletters by the way! They are very informative.
Shanon S.

Another testimony

I Was reading your article on Herpes and specifically cold sores. Quite some years ago I was given a recipe from a herbalist that I have used and that I have given to others and all but one had success with it.

You simply take a small jar (like a baby food jar) and put about an inch of pure olive oil in it. Then mash up about 5-6 large garlic cloves with a garlic press and put them in the oil. Refrigerate for about 10 days and then if you get a cold sore, simply take a q-tip and dip it down into the oily mash and rub it into the sore. Do this at least half a dozen times a day until it is gone. It does burn a bit, but the results are worth it.

The nice thing is that once it is gone it will not come back. I had a spot on my top lip where I got a cold sore probably 3-6 times every year and always in the same spot. After using this one time I have not had a recurrence in over 10 years. Ditto for at least a dozen other folks I have given this to.
Ken Marquardt


Here are some recommendations that may help to shorten the duration and intensity of an outbreak. L-lysine has been found helpful by many people. Recommended dosages range from 500 -1000 mg. daily. The purpose of this supplement is that when the amount of l-lysine exceeds the amount of l-arginine in the body, the growth of the herpes virus is slowed.

On this same vein, it would be wise to restrict the amount of walnuts, almonds, barley, cashews, cereals (grains), chicken, chocolate, corn, dairy products, meat, nuts, seeds, oats, and peanuts as these all contain l-arginine. Also avoid all citrus fruit and juices when the virus is active.

Some herbs have been found to be helpful also. Black walnut seems to be effective and can be used topically as an extract, fomentation, or poultice. The Nature's Sunshine formula VS-C tcm is a combination of Chinese herbs specifically designed to bolster the immune system. A study done in Boston by a medical doctor showed the efficacy of this formula in working with herpes.

Goldenseal, and echinacea may all be used to stimulate the immune system and the movement of the lymphatic fluid. Garlic (Russian penicillin) is also recommended for its effects in stimulating the immune system. Another excellent herbal preparation for topical use is Pau D'arco lotion. This has been used at the first symptoms to prevent full outbreaks, and has also been used during the outbreak to control it and speed healing.

Obviously, if you are prone to herpes outbreaks, maintaining a healthy diet is important. Avoid all the typical nutrient destroyers such as white flour, sugar, alcohol, coffee, tea (non-herbal), and refined foods. Herpes outbreaks can largely be controlled, and when they do happen the effects can be minimized with natural remedies.

Herpes Combination With C-Herb

Please call us prior to ordering this combination of 5 products.
Tel. 407-740-8012 (Florida 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday - 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday)

1. VS-C tcm
Virus-fighting immune system Stimulant. Chronic viral infections include flu, infectious hepatitis, Epstein Barr and herpes (including cold/canker sores). Dr. Xie feels it may benefit persons with chronic immune deficiency (including AIDS) and those who have had antibiotics prescribed to excess.

2. L-Lysine
Virus-fighting, gland-regulating amino acid I-Lysine is not produced in the body and must be obtained from the diet.
This is often difficult because it is destroyed by cooking. I-Lysine regulates ovaries, mammary and pineal glands.
It works with vitamin C/bioflavonoids to build collagen for new connective tissue and bones.
I-Lysine is necessary for all amino acid assimilation.
It is used to fight fever blisters/cold sores and mouth ulcers (herpes simplex virus).
The required dose ranges from 400 to 1,000 mg.

3. C-Herb Internally
C-Herb seems to immediately remove the protein shell in which a virus can hide. If a virus is to survive in the body, it must hide itself within something that the body will not reject. The most common source of disguise is protein. When the virus is coated with protein, the body sees nothing unwanted and takes no action against it. A good example is the influenza virus. It hides itself in protein which serves two purposes. It not only is hidden from the action of the immune system, it can be ushered into the center of a cell as the cell receives the protein. When inside the cell, the virus sheds its protein coating and begins dividing into thousands more viruses which find their way back into the blood system and continues the process until disease overtakes the host.

The second action of C-Herb seems to be the elevation of the activity of the immune system. When the immune system decides the crisis is over, it quickly goes back to its lower status. It appears that C-Herb excites the immune system to several times its resting level and maintains that level as long as C-Herb is present.

4. Liver Balance TCM
The liver aids in metabolism and digestion, and is a major detoxifying organ, breaking down and neutralizing harmful toxic substances. The liver plays a role in the production of blood-clotting substances and produces much of the body’s cholesterol, which is required for the synthesis of hormones and the maintenance of healthy cell membranes. The liver also aids in controlling blood sugar levels by releasing stored glucose when blood sugar levels fall too low.

This vital organ is susceptible to many diseases and conditions that can impair liver function, some of which include cirrhosis, hepatitis, and cancer. Some causes of liver damage and disease include alcohol, environmental pollutants, medications, and viral infections.

Common sense: When using c-herb, the immune system will force the body to evacuate a lot of unwanted "toxins" putting an extra burden on the liver. Your liver needs all the help it can get in that situation!

Homeopathy & Liquid Herbal

A homeopathic remedy that supports the detoxification of Herpes simplex 1 & 2 and Herpes Zoster infections.

Lymph HP 
High-potency formula for relief of systemic symptoms associated with common viral infections, such as chronic fever and cough

Lymphastat V
Homeopathic detoxifier indicated for symptoms of chronic viral infections.

High-potency formula indicated for relief of symptoms due to lowered immune response, including fatigue associated with chronic viral infections

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