Reprinted from Sunshine Sharing Vol. 5 No. 8
Enhancing your brain power
In the common speech, brains means intelligence — the ability to comprehend, remember and process information. Sometimes we think that having “brains” is just a matter of genes or plain “luck”. However, our capacity to think and know is not something that is set in stone at birth. IQ can change and there are many things that can be done to improve our “brains.”
Like any other organ of the body, the brain can be strengthened by good nutrition. It can also be developed with use or diminished with abuse. In this issue you’ll learn some of the herbs, nutrients and practices that can enhance your “brain power.” You’ll also discover some of the things that diminish it. So, exercise your “central nervous system processing center” (i.e., brain) and read on.
Starting Right
Good nutrition during pregnancy and early childhood is vital to the development of the brain. Essential fatty acids are extremely important to the development of the brain, so children should not be put on a low fat diet. Children need fats, but they need healthy fats, like those found in nuts and seeds, salmon and ocean fish, flax or hemp seed oil and butter. These healthy sources of fat are vital to their developing central nervous systems.
Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar diminishes brain power. The brain consumes more sugar than any other organ in the body. When blood sugar levels drop, many of the higher processing centers of the brain start to shut down. Mental confusion, irritability, inability to concentrate and even “crazy” behavior can result.
Refined sugars and carbohydrates give the brain a “quick fix” of sugar, but lack the other nutrients the body needs to control and process the sugar in a stable manner. Hence, they produce rapid increases and decreases in blood sugar levels creating a blood sugar “roller coaster” with corresponding behavior. If you or your children behave like angels at one time and demons at others, you may be on this blood sugar roller coaster.
Other symptoms include a sudden inability to concentrate, sleepiness or a drop in body temperature (cold nose or limbs). This usually happens in mid-afternoon or when the person has not eaten for a while.
Getting out of the refined carbohydrate “amusement park” and onto a diet rich in complex carbohydrates can help the brain stay focused. You may be pleasantly surprised at how much clearer you can think on a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and natural sweeteners (like unprocessed honey, real maple syrup, xylitol etc.). These foods keep the brain supplied with a constant, controlled level of sugar that helps keep thought processes focused and stable. Once you’ve been on a diet free of refined carbohydrates for about three to four weeks, you will be amazed at the clarity of your thought processes. It’s like the proverbial “light bulb” turning on in the mind.
Licorice root can help to stabilize blood sugar levels and kill the craving for sugar and stimulants
GTF chromium can also be useful for the same purpose.
Another supplement that can help is the Chinese formula Nervous Fatigue. It builds the adrenal glands and pancreas and helps overcome mental fatigue, confusion, inability to concentrate and emotional mood swings.
Getting Blood to Your Brain
The brain doesn’t just need sugar, however, it also needs a constant supply of oxygen and other vital nutrients carried by the blood. Circulation to the brain is another major factor in brain power. Perhaps you have noticed that when you have been sitting for a long time you start to feel sleepy and have a difficult time concentrating. After taking a walk, however, your mental alertness returns and the fatigue vanishes. This is because the pumping action of the muscles in your legs gets more blood to the brain. Hence, a sedentary life-style can diminish your thinking capacity. Something as simple as a gentle exercise program (even walking) can enhance your mental ability.
Many Americans, however, suffer from an even more serious circulatory problem — atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. If you enjoy a diet rich in saturated fat and low in fiber you are just asking for this condition. Atherosclerosis is the result of cholesterol formations in the arteries of the body, especially the arteries leading to the heart and brain. As the arteries which carry blood into the brain become “plugged” the amount of oxygen and nutrients reaching our thinking center diminishes. The result — loss of memory.
The same diet that helps control hypoglycemia also helps to prevent the clogging of your brain’s blood vessels and hence, your “constipated” thought processes. Whole grains, fresh vegetables and other foods rich in natural fiber help to keep your cholesterol levels down and your brain power up. If you already have this problem, there is a solution. Oral chelation can remove the plaque lining your arteries and get your blood (and your thoughts) flowing freely again.
Mega-Chel is a product loaded with high doses of antioxidant vitamins and nutrients that helps your body break down arterial plaque. It works best taken with liquid trace minerals (Ionic Minerals or CellFood).
When using Mega-Chel, start slowly with one tablet two times daily and gradually increase to a full dose (5-6 tablets twice daily) over a period of 3-4 weeks. Divide your age by 10 and stay on the full dose for that many months (i.e., 3 months for age 30, 7 months for age 70). Taper off gradually.
Herbs for the brain
Two herbs have a special reputation for enhancing your mental capacity. The first is Gotu Kola, an herb from India commonly used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. It is a general tonic, nervine and adaptogen that services the small capillaries in the brain improving blood flow. It is said that elephants like to eat the herb and we all know that “an elephant never forgets.”
While you are unlikely to “never forget” taking the herb, there is reasonable evidence that the plant does posses an apoptogenic capacity that relieves depression, improves memory, concentration and reduces fatigue.
Another herb that has been found to support brain function is Ginkgo biloba. This is not based on tradition or folklore, but on modern scientific research done in Europe. Ginkgo has been found to stabilize the blood/brain barrier, enhance circulation to the brain and otherwise improve cerebral function. One study found that a daily regimen helped stabilize mental deterioration in patients with early Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
Ginkgo is a major ingredient in Brain-Protex.
This formula contains blend of phosphatidyl serine, choline, and ethanolamine and inositol. These substances all help to support brain function. Other ingredients include rhododendron extract, a strong antioxidant; lycopene, a free radical scavenger found in tomatoes; and alpha-lipoic acid, another antioxidant that enhances the properties of vitamins C and E, which improve memory. It is especially good for people over 50 concerned about memory challenges.
Supports brain function, memory and concentration.
Mind-Max contains magnesium l-threonate plus gotu kola aerial parts, bacopa leaf and ginkgo leaves herbs well-known to benefit circulation and brain health for a powerful brain boost. Between the ages of 20 and 90, the average person loses 5 to10% of his/her brain weight, with an accompanying loss in memory, attention and other cognitive functions.
Research shows that a decreased number of nerve synapses (the connections between nerve cells) may be responsible for this cognitive decline. Magnesium plays an essential role in nerve synapses. However, magnesium shortages have become common with the increase in processed foods and the lack of magnesium-rich whole foods in the diet. Moreover, most forms of magnesium are not well-absorbed by nervous tissue. Researchers at MIT have discovered that magnesium l-threonate, a highly absorbable form of magnesium, can easily cross the blood brain barrier and that it increases the brain's magnesium level.
Aromatic Brain Therapy
The fragrance of flowers, the scent of a pine forest or the aroma of herbs simmering in the kitchen bring powerful changes to our nervous system. These aromas all come from the essential oils produced by fragrant plants. These oils have a direct effect on the mind through the nerves that govern our sense of smell. In fact, the sense of smell is the only one of our five senses that “plugs” straight into our brain. Hence, aromatherapy is a valuable tool in helping to stimulate or calm our mind.
Here are a few examples:
Clove Bud helps relieve mental fatigue, shock, and denial.
Rosemary helps those suffering from memory loss, depression and a low view of life.
Peppermint improves concentration and helps fainting episodes. It relieves vasoconstrictive headaches.
Pine Needle balances circulation and encourages mental alertness. It is good for feelings of anxiety, mental fatigue, and lack of concentration.
Pink Grapefruit is wonderful for feeling sad, moody, or stressed. It is also beneficial during periods of intense stress that effect memory.
Lemon is good for the circulatory system. When feeling confused, lethargic, and worn out this is the oil to have around.
Lavender is an oil good for vasoconstrictive headaches, stress and insomnia. Use it when experiencing frustration, anxiety, and mental exhaustion.
Thyme encourages mental clarity and creates a feeling of enlivenment.
For best results, apply these oils topically to the temples, forehead, behind the ears or neck; or use them in a diffuser or bath.