Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are growths made up of muscle cells and other tissue that grow in the uterine wall. They can cause pain during periods and heavy menstrual bleeding. They can also cause abdominal swelling and bleeding between the periods. Uterine fibroids are the number one reason for hysterectomies.
Because estrogen stimulates uterine tissue, uterine fibroids are a sign of problems with xenoestrogens and the inability of the liver to detox excess estrogen.
If you have problems with fibroids, follow the tips for avoiding xenoestrogens and use some detoxifying supplements like Cellular Detox.
When there is heavy bleeding associated with fibroids, Menstrual Reg may be helpful. Yarrow is a single herb that can be very effective for fibroids. Yarrow not only helps control bleeding, it is a 'blood moving" herb that breaks up stagnation and helps the body dissolve the fibroids.
Protecting Yourself from Xenoestrogens
Biologists, environmentalists and health care professionals all agree we are living in the age of excessive estrogen stimulation. Our food and water supplies are laden with xenoestrogens from herbicides, pesticides and petrochemical residues from plastics. Estrogen compounds are fed to chickens and cattle to increase meat, egg and dairy production. The common practice of microwaving food in plastic containers produces more xenoestrogens. They are even found in shampoo!
Since xenoestrogens are involved in numerous health problems (including uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease, ovarian cysts, menstrual irregularities such as heavy bleeding and cramps, menopausal symptoms, breast cancer and cervical cancer), it is wise to both reduce your exposure to them and improve your body's ability to balance them and break them down at the same time.
Detoxify Xenoestrogens
Since the liver is responsible for breaking down excess hormones, environmental toxins and other substances for elimination; the liver is often overworked in today's world. It is also frequently malnourished, due to poor diet.
You can help your liver rid your body of xenoestrogens and other toxins by supporting it with appropriate herbs and supplements. Cellular Detox is a great formula for helping the liver get toxins, like xenoestrogens, out of the body. Enviro-Detox is another formula that may help.
You'll detoxify faster if you also take a fiber supplement like Everybody's Fiber. Fiber binds toxins, including xenoestrogens, in the intestines and carries them out of the body.
Cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, are also valuable in reducing levels of xenoestrogens because they contain compounds like indole-3-carbynol, which enhance the liver's ability to break down excess estrogens in the system.
Indole-3-Carbynol is also available as a supplement.
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