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Yeast - Candida albicans - Yeast symptoms

Yeast - Candida albicans - Yeast symptoms


Under the wrong conditions, yeast can create problems with our health.
Yeast or fungal infections have become a serious problem for most people living in modern western society. In particular, one species of yeast, Candida albicans, has been shown to be at the root of a wide variety of health problems including chronic sinus problems, vaginal yeast infections, frequent colds and flu, earaches, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, reduced immunity, brain fog, leaky gut syndrome, athlete's foot, jock itch and more.

It is becoming widely recognized that antibiotics contribute to yeast overgrowth because they upset the balance of the intestinal microflora by killing the friendly bacteria, but antibiotics aren't the only reason yeast gets out of control.

Many other chemicals in our environment also have negative effects on our intestinal flora. These include alcohol, chlorinated drinking water, MSG, nitrates, and sulfates. Since yeast feed on sugar, excess consumption of sugar also plays a role in yeast overgrowth.

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