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"I have come seeking Christian’s treatment and wisdom for many years. Not only has he treated me but also my kids. As they were smaller and got sick, Christian would be instrumental in getting them out of a crisis – be it an infection, high fever, stomach ache, you name it."

"My parents have been going here since I was younger. Now I’m having problems and they introduced me to Christian. He is the most amazing person ever. I would highly recommend him to anyone. He can help you."

"One of the best out there! So grateful for Christian and his expertise, wisdom, and insight. Not only compassionate and understanding but truly as knowledgeable as it gets in the world of health and wellness. He has been such a gift to my family."


Polycrest Homeopathic Remedies
Polycrest remedies can potentially help address the majority of health concerns we are facing today. Additionally, many of these remedies may help unravel some of the emotional aspects that can...

Natural Ways to Balance Estrogen
An excess of estrogen, coupled with a deficiency of progesterone (the counter hormone to estrogen), is the common denominator for a lot of female troubles.

Auto Immune Disorders
By Steven Horne, RH (AHG) & Kimberly Balas, ND The immune system's job is beautifully orchestrated to determine what is "self" and what is "not self" and to get rid...

Cold & Flu
A Common Sense Approach
We recommend to read this article about Viral Infection. For starters, clearing the colon will often break a fever and dramatically reduce congestion within minutes. The fastest way to do...